Corehttp is known to have
security vulnerabilities to attacks such as buffer overflows. It is no longer under active development. Please do not use it for anything but personal academic study. It is not safe to deploy online. As a project hosted by SourceForge, it will remain online and perhaps the code may be useful for learning purposes.
This project is designed to be a minimalist http server focusing on speed and size. The following is a list of some features of this web server:
- Non-blocking asynchronous I/O handling
- Single-process poll/select client concurrency model with no forking, no threads, for portability and efficiency
- Support for CGI content
Simple Use
% tar zxvf corehttp*tar.gz
% cd corehttp/src
% sudo make install
% cd ..
% man corehttp
% vi chttp.conf
% corehttp chttp.conf
% firefox localhost